Logo and Brand Identity Design Resources September 2010

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Its that time again where I like to share a collection of my favourite logo and identity design articles from the past month.

As usual, there was no shortage of quality posts in September. Without further adieu.

Logo and Identity Design Resources

1. Would your logo fit on the moon? via Echo Enduring Blog

2. How to find the right logo designer via Leighton Hubbell

3. Showing Sketches to Clients via David Airey

4. The designer and the tech guy via Logo Design Love

5. Logo Tutorial: Add subtle Depth of Field to your portfolio images via imjustcreative

6. 11 Trends in Web Logo Design: The Good, the Bad and the Overused via Mashable

7. Gran Branding for Gran Turismo

8. So you wanna be a logo designer? via The Logo Factory

9. Fred International via Identity Designed

10. The iTunes 10 icon, where did Apple go wrong?Paul Galbraith

Logobird Update

Apologies for the relative lack of new posts this month. September has been a hugely busy month in which I have had a number of projects on the go at once. In addition to client work I am also in the process of relocating from Melbourne to the Gold Coast, where I will be setting up a brand new studio for Logobird.

Once the move is completed I expect everything to return to business as usual. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and support.

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