Lineposters: Minimalist Subway Prints

Lineposters has a superbly crafted series of minimalist subway prints available for purchase on Etsy. (via Laughing Squid)… Read more
Lineposters has a superbly crafted series of minimalist subway prints available for purchase on Etsy. (via Laughing Squid)… Read more
Oh Shit! Has there ever been a better Kickstarter project to put your support behind? Bravo, Safwat Saleem. The internet is gonna love you. (via Laughing Squid)… Read more
Sometimes the truth hurts. A fantastic set of iPhone wallpapers by Nico Ordozgoiti. (Via Quipsologies)… Read more
Just in time for the festive season, Brooklyn, NY-based designer Matt Raw has released Code Cards — a series of letterpress greeting cards. Code Cards connect today’s digital developers with the analog coders of yesteryear. Celebrate your digital heritage with greeting cards featuring old-fashioned, letterpress printed code. If these don’t sell like hotcakes, I don’t know what will. (via Laughing Squid)… Read more
Update 14/09/2011: I’ve just received email confirmation from the good people at The Design Bureau of Amerika, advising that another print run of “Another Day Another Dropshadow” is in the works. The print is now available for pre-order at a discounted price. Full details here. A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer is a sweet new print from The Design Bureau of Amerika. (Via Laughing Squid)… Read more
This is Google employee, Boris Smus’ attempt to create the most minimal business card design possible. The concept uses his email address to uncover his first name, last name, website and twitter account. I’m not convinced this method would be effective for everybody, but I admire his approach in fitting as much information as possible within a constrained space. What do you think? (Via Kottke) #### Stay in the loop To stay updated on our projects & cool finds on… Read more
Eastern Eggs is an initiative by TWBA London to help raise funds for the Red Cross – Japan Tsunami Appeal. It brings together various designers and artists, who have had their custom artwork drawn onto 6cm wooden eggs using a robot called the ‘Egg-Bot’. You can see the Egg-bot in action in the video below. It’s a rather impressive sight. Via Creative Review… Read more
This is a guest post by Dennis Salvatier, blogger at Tanoshiboy and designer at Salvatier Studios, an award-wining design studio located in Southern California. You can reach Dennis through his website or on Twitter. Crowdsourcing Won’t Help You In the last few years crowdsourcing has become the single greatest enemy to design, more so when it comes to logo design. Let’s start off with an explanation about what crowdsourcing is. This is when a company or an organization offers a… Read more
Have you ever wondered why some designers produce amazing work, while others just mediocre? Great designers eat, breath and live design. Great designers are passionate about their work. Most importantly however, great designers never stop learning. Successful men, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession. Those who are not successful usually make the mistake of believing that the knowledge acquiring period ends when one finishes school. The truth is that schooling… Read more
If you are a graphic designer and frequently convert Adobe Illustrator and InDesign files to PDF’s, you have probably encountered issue with the “i” and “l” characters rendering too thick. If you are using PDF’s for client presentations, this can be a major problem that potentially could compromise the acceptance of an otherwise great design. Here is an example of the problem. If you look closely at the “I” characters you can see that they are slightly bolder than they… Read more
I am frequently asked by other designers (and sometimes clients) what tools I use to run Logobird Designs. Let’s face it, running a graphic design business can be challenging, so if there is an application out there that helps you get things done in a more efficient way, you would be pretty silly not to use it. In this post, I will share with you some of my favourite applications I use to run Logobird in a more efficient way.… Read more
The depth of artistic talent in Japan is simply amazing. From early 2005, I was fortunate enough to spend three years living and working in Tokyo. During that time I encountered many great designers and artists by whom I was both inspired and humbled. In this post, I have hand-selected ten Japanese digital illustrators and artists whose work is awe-inspiring. Some of them are well-renowned, while some are lesser-known. They are all extremely gifted. Most of the sites are in… Read more
Sustainable design. Green design. Eco-design. Environmental design. Most of us understand what these terms mean, but how many of us really make an effort to run our design businesses in a more environmentally friendly way? The purpose of this post is to present to you some straight-forward steps you can take to make your design business more environmentally sustainable. The practical application of sustainable design to client projects will be discussed in further detail in a future post. Recycle The… Read more