Yosemite HD [Video]

| Filed under: Posts, Video 8 Comments
Project Yosemite

This brilliantly compiled timelapse titled, Project Yosemite, is the work of talented photographers, Sheldon Neil and Colin Delehanty (stop now and check out their stunning portfolios). The timelapses were shot with a Canon 5D Mark II with Canon L and Zeiss CP.2 Lenses. Best viewed in full-screen. If this doesn’t inspire you, check your pulse! (Thx Gerry)… Read more

Tokyo Time Lapse [Video]

| Filed under: Posts, Video 4 Comments
Tokyo Time Lapse

Having spent nearly half of my 20s in Tokyo, it strangely feels like my home away from home. This near-magical time lapse video by Samuel Cockedey captures the vibe of the city perfectly. Extra points for the Blade Runner soundtrack. For maximum effect, I recommend watching the video in full-screen with headphones on, and scaling set to off. (via @iA)… Read more

A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer

| Filed under: Graphic Design, Posts 26 Comments
Graphic Designer Life

Update 14/09/2011: I’ve just received email confirmation from the good people at The Design Bureau of Amerika, advising that another print run of “Another Day Another Dropshadow” is in the works. The print is now available for pre-order at a discounted price. Full details here. A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer is a sweet new print from The Design Bureau of Amerika. (Via Laughing Squid)… Read more

15 Logo Design Tips for the Real World

| Filed under: Branding, Logo Design, Posts 35 Comments
Apple Wallpaper

While I have experienced both successes and failures as a designer, one thing is for sure, I have certainly learnt a lot along the way. To impart some of this knowledge, in this post, you will find fifteen useful logo design tips. 1. It all starts with the brief Okay, this first one is really a given. Building a comprehensive design brief upfront is vital to the success of a logo design project. It will become your point of reference… Read more

How to Choose a Logo Designer – A Definitive Guide

| Filed under: Logo Design, Posts 10 Comments
Beach House

For anyone outside of the design industry, finding a good logo designer can be a really frustrating experience. While there is a mountain of choice when it comes to hiring a designer, finding a quality designer can be a real challenge, especially if you don’t know what to look out for. The intent of this article is to help guide individuals and businesses navigate the potential minefield of hiring a professional logo designer. For fellow designers wanting to identify how… Read more

Stop Designing Forgettable Logos

| Filed under: Branding, Logo Design, Posts 15 Comments

This guest post was written by Paul Galbraith, a freelance logo designer based in the UK, who works with clients worldwide to produce successful logos, identities and rebrands for all types of businesses. ### With thousands of logos being created each year, it makes it extremely difficult for new ones to be designed that have something distinguishable to make them stand out, whilst staying simple enough to be memorable. This difficulty could well mean you’re producing logos that, although well… Read more

Are All Graphic Designers Logo Designers?

| Filed under: Branding, Logo Design, Opinion, Posts 54 Comments
Question mark

This is a guest post by Erik Ford from we are pixel 8, a boutique design and marketing agency with offices in Los Angeles and New York. You can follow Erik on Twitter or read more of his writing on the wearepixel8 blog. I am a graphic designer. Does that mean I am a logo designer as well? I will start off by saying that the answer to that question is an emphatic no! Now, before you start screaming at… Read more

How Can We Improve the Design Community?

| Filed under: Opinion, Posts 33 Comments

The amount of noise in the online design community is incredible. By noise, I mean distraction. Distracting content that is just whizzing around in cyberspace not really adding any value to anyone or anything. Actually there is so much noise, that it is almost deafening. Due to this, it is becoming increasingly difficult to filter out what is useful from what is, well…rubbish. Think about it. There are already countless design blogs, and dozens more being launched everyday. There are… Read more