Logo and identity designer studio workspaces
Curious to see where other logo and identity designers work, I recently made a call-out to some of my friends and colleagues to submit a photo of their current studio or workspace setup.
Amongst the submissions there are some really inspiring and interesting setups.
Let the voyeurism begin.
Where logo and identity designers work
Sean Farrell (Brand Clay) – Twitter
Graham Smith (Imjustcreative) – Twitter
Pete Lacey (Chopeh) – Twitter
Jacob Cass (Just Creative Design) – Twitter
Roy Smith (f1rebrand) – Twitter
Ty Mattson (Mattson Creative) – Twitter
Von Glitchka (Glitchka Studios) – Twitter
Sneh Roy (Little Box of Ideas) – Twitter
Rajesh Pancholi (R27. Creative Lab) – Twitter
Duane Kinsey (Logobird Designs) – Twitter
A sincere thank you to everyone who responded. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments below.
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