Truth Hurts: iPhone Wallpapers

Sometimes the truth hurts. A fantastic set of iPhone wallpapers by Nico Ordozgoiti. (Via Quipsologies)… Read more
Sometimes the truth hurts. A fantastic set of iPhone wallpapers by Nico Ordozgoiti. (Via Quipsologies)… Read more
This animated history of the iPhone rocks. From the creators, CNET UK: The iPhone might be at the cutting edge of technology but it took a long time and many innovations to get there, take a trip through history and explore the people and technology that contributed to the iPhone becoming what it is today. (via Laughing Squid)… Read more
If you don’t live in London, will never visit London, and/or you have no interest in burgers or iPhone apps, you may want to tune out now. Two months have past since we released our first iPhone app, Best Sandwiches London. Almost immediately after launch sales of the app took off, initially boosted by an article on The Next Web, then propelled forward by the app getting featured in both the New and Noteworthy and What’s Hot categories of the… Read more
If you don’t live in London, will never visit London, and/or you have no interest in sandwiches or iPhone apps, you may want to tune out now. Admittedly, things on the blogging front have been a bit quieter than usual recently. The main reason being that behind the scenes we’ve never been busier. Whilst juggling a couple of branding projects, we have also been designing our very first iPhone app. The app is called Best Sandwiches London and is now… Read more
Really digging the identity for Great British Chefs by London-based studio Hat-Trick. The way they have developed the C-shaped logo around different kitchen utensils is brilliant. Very well executed. The Great British Chefs brand is centered around a new iPhone and iPad app. The app features videos, cooking techniques, and recipes from 12 of Britain’s best Michelin-stared chefs. Source: Richard Baird.… Read more
Introducing Opena, the iPhone case that doubles as a bottle opener. Australian innovation at its finest. After successfully reaching it’s funding goal on Kickstarter, the “Opena” will go into production soon. Want. Thanks Ed.… Read more