Logo Designer Interviews: Steve Douglas of The Logo Factory

Logo Designer Interviews: Steve Douglas

Continuing the popular logo designer interviews series, this week I had the pleasure of interviewing Steve Douglas, creative director at The Logo Factory. Steve has been involved in offering online design services since starting The Logo Factory in 1996. No that isn’t a typo, 1996. If it has happened in the online design space, Steve is likely to have witnessed it. He is a true pioneer. In this interview, Steve discusses how he got started using a free 10 megabyte… Read more

Are All Graphic Designers Logo Designers?

Question mark

This is a guest post by Erik Ford from we are pixel 8, a boutique design and marketing agency with offices in Los Angeles and New York. You can follow Erik on Twitter or read more of his writing on the wearepixel8 blog. I am a graphic designer. Does that mean I am a logo designer as well? I will start off by saying that the answer to that question is an emphatic no! Now, before you start screaming at… Read more